Bro. George Matta – Master Mason Rookie Award Winner

Congratulations to District 3’s Bro. George Matta of Bethesda Lodge on receiving the Rookie Mason Award & giving a shout-out to Bethesda & Mystic Valley for their guidance during his remarks.
The Massachusetts Grand Lodge of Masons’ “Master Mason Rookie Award” is part of this jurisdiction’s ongoing commitment to membership engagement and getting our new members involved in their respective blue lodges.
The award may be given to a new Master Mason who has achieved the six required activities:
- Attend each of the blue lodge degrees at least once (not including your own degrees)
- Attend at least one visit of the lodge’s D.D.G.M. to another lodge in the District, or attend a communication of another lodge in the District
- Attend at least seven stated lodge communications over the course of the one year
- Work on at least one lodge social activity OR lodge charitable event
- Assist at least once with the officers setting up the lodge room (a meeting or rehearsal)
- Attend at least three additional LOI communications beyond what is required
plus at least five other achievements.
SEVENTH Annual Comedy Night Fundraiser for HMTA at Giggles Comedy Club, 6:30 PM Wednesday, April 24th 2019
3rd District Lodge of Exemplification – Monday, March 18, 2019
Fellowcraft Degree
6:15PM Dinner; 7:00PM Opening
Arlington Masonic Temple, 19 Academy St
3rd District 2nd Annual F1 Race!
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding the 2nd Annual F1 race for the 3rd district. It will be held on Friday, April 21st at 7 PM. The event last year was a huge success with 18 drivers that raced in a mini grand prix style event. We plan on holding the same style race with 2 qualifying races and the top drivers competing in a third final race. The race champion will get to take home the district trophy and own bragging rights for the year. The event will cost approximately $75 and is tied to the number of participants. Please RSVP to me directly at RSVPs are due by April 7th at which time I will be able to calculate the final cost.
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