Third Masonic District

RW Terry W. Griffith, Jr. – District Deputy Grand Master 2024-2026

3rd District Officers

DDGM: RW Terry W Griffith Jr, 617-470-4690 h, twgddgm3@ddgm

DDG Marshal: Wor Christopher A Viklund, 617-869-4080 c, cviklund@ddgm

DDG Secretary: Wor Robert A Caron, 508-847-1775 c,

DDG Treasurer: RW James Giragosian, 617-974-1736 c,

District Ambassador (New Memb): Wor Robert A Bushey, 978-979-0630 c,

District Service Officer: Wor Robert A Bushey, 978-979-0630 c,

District Youth Officer: RW Mark J Collins Sr, 617-719-9532 c, mjcollinssr1@ddgm

District Webmaster: RW Alan H Jones, 781-820-0306 c,

3rd District Lodge of Instruction

3rd Monday at the Arlington Masonic Temple

Coordinator: Wor. Arthur J. D’Amico

Lead Instructor: Wor Walter C Wedlock, 617-838-7563 c,

Lodges of the Third District

King Solomon’s Lodge Somerville 1783 3rd Thursday

Mystic Valley Lodge Arlington 1797 2nd Tuesday

Bethesda Lodge Newtonville 1819 3rd Tuesday

Pequossette Lodge Arlington 1856 2nd Thursday